Tuesday, April 15, 2008

so cool...

so SWMBO and the cuteness went to see YarnHarlot when she visited Minnesota... And they got their picture on YarnHarlot's blog! and, doubleplusbonus, the blanket i made for the cuteness made it in the picture too! so very cool...
here is the link:


(the address is all one, but refuses to show up that way)
the picture is a little way down under "Kate and Veronica"

Monday, April 7, 2008

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

things that annoy me...

teachers who insinuate at every turn that you are stupid because the school that you go to isn't as expensive as some others and because one kid's friend goes to one of the said more expensive schools has a little more work one semester and the kid's schedule is easy because he is a business major... makes the day wonderful i can tell you!

On another note, people from our school have gone into every profession and are in every branch of the government... we are also one of the oldest schools in the area... so no, just because we aren't (insert expensive school name) doesn't mean that we will get passed over for oppurtunities or that our courseload is any less weighty... actually, our school has a much more rigorous curriculum than most other schools... argh...


so a couple of weeks ago i visited my sister and brother-in-law who live in minnesota and have recently had a baby girl... the CUTEST LITTLE BABY IN THE WORLD! she is just so adorable and happy and fascinated by absolutely everything! even when she fusses or cries it is quieter than most other babies! wow, that is a lot of exclamation points... i also visited so i could give the little one the blanket i had been working on for months (mostly because i am in college and there were big blocks of time when i couldn't work on it) which, according to my sister, she seems to really like... according to my sister it is a "magic blanket" which keeps the little person asleep longer... but she is just so cute and absolutely loves to smile! and double plus bonus, they asked me to be her godmother! yay! apparently i said yes so fast they thought i had heard them over the baby monitor... it was such a great trip! though i am sure they were unhappy when it snowed like 8 inches...