Tuesday, January 20, 2009


i went to a local pub to watch the swearing in of our 44th president! it was insane and amazing!

Sunday, January 18, 2009


i start my non-UK european excursions this weekend! i have just booked a travel tour to Amsterdam and Bruges! and after the ridiculously bad weekend i just spent in northampton, i think it's going to be awesome!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009


of tower bridge and madame tousseaud's should be up rather soon- i'm afraid i've got to figure out where my camera cable is so... ubt they will be up soon

Sunday, January 4, 2009

to all those who it may concern...

namely witty since she's been complaining viz facebook message... the current website for my flickr page is:
so if you want to see photos of christmas, which is all that's currently up as i have not yet had time to take pictures much yet, WITTY, go ahead... for everyone else, i should have them up by friday...

Friday, January 2, 2009

it's so weird...

that i live two doors down from stella mccartney... so weird...

Thursday, January 1, 2009


i have officially arrived in london, england! my plane got in about 7 hours ago and unfortunately i gave in to temptation and took a huge nap- but i would rather be social than dead... anyhoodle, it's great here! i haven't explored much but it's awesome!