Tuesday, February 20, 2007

First Post...

So i thought i would start a blog... but have no idea what to write about... well, guess i should start off by saying that i am in college on the east coast and i love to blow glass... ironically and unfortunately for me, i ended up going to a school that does not offer it. figures doesn't it? i wanted to start a blog because frankly other people in my family do and i thought it would be interesting. Well that is all about me.

Being that i am in college, i am on facebook, which for many people has replaced social interaction and has become the easiest way to stalk people who are in fact on facebook. and, being in college, i want my three sisters to have nothing to do with anything that is in my mind related to college and not to family. and yet, when my sister messaged me on facebook and told me that she had just joined, she thought i would be happy about this and not feel like i am being stalked by yet another person on facebook... talk about not getting the message... especially since it is even weirder since it is my sister...


Anonymous said...

So you realize now that those of us who weren't aware of your facebook page will now feel compelled to go look it up ;)

College Glassblower said...

yes, but facebook is the ultimate stalker tool, plus since i am in college it is expected that i have a facebook...

Anonymous said...

I'm a little nervous about the multiple stalker references!!!

College Glassblower said...

but it is a joke because there are all these safety blocks like you have to approve your friends and you can block people and you can not let other people view your profile and junk and stuff...

Anonymous said...

I know! I'm just teasing you! :)

College Glassblower said...

i know...

Vika said...

Ahem. Said sister messaged you on FB when she joined because she KNOWS you. If you had found out that she was on FB without telling you, you would have FREAKED, depsite the fact that she was just as weirded out as you at the idea of you looking at her FB page.

So, keep it like the military-don't ask don't tell. And what goes on FB stays on FB.