Thursday, May 17, 2007

wisdom teeth...

well, the last post was apparently not my last for a while, though this may be as i start work next week... i got my wisdom teeth out on monday and while i hurt A LOT they are healing quite nicely... BUT THEY HURT! i guess it is all for though best though, right? right?


Witty said...

I HATED HATED HATED getting mine out. I ended up with dry socket and it hurt like hell.

College Glassblower said...

thanks, that makes me feel so mujch better...

Grendel said...

I, on the other hand had absolutely no problems whatsoever, so there really are happy endings. :)

Darn it, now we've all got to start over with running the comment #'s up. . .

Vika said...

Well, #4 to chime in...

CGB, dude, youuuu caaaan doooo iiiit! You seem to be healing up well, you'd know by now if there was a problem. Mazel tov!

I'm officially the only one in the family who is in posession of all of my wisdom teeth, and I have this sneaking suspicion that they might be coming out the next time I visit the dentist (who is going to give me crap for not going for so long-but there's NO WAY I was going to a dentist without some sort of insurance!) but since they aren't giving me any problems (yet) that'll have to wait for us to come back from the the very least.

But I now have dental insurance, which had me dancing on the day I got the insurance card!

Vika said...

The comment string is far too short. So. Any new sock stories, anyone???


I personally have sworn off of wearing any sort of hosiery unless absolutely necessary until the fall. For the record "absolutely necessary" includes formal events and anytime I wear anything other than sandals/flipflops. :)

Grendel said...

Me too. No more hosiery of any sort for me. Unless I'm wearing a mini, then I think it enhances the shape of my upper thighs.

Vika said...

Okay, so I have to thank CGB very much for all of your help with the shower-it was really very nice :D I LOVE the samovar.

And I'm still impressed that you found one. :D

Vika said...

Dare I say that this needs more comments? I know we've all been busy enough not to be actively posting recently, but what, are we unable to snark? That's an illness.

Grendel said...

Hey, I can't carry the extraneous and even the erroneous posts my self. . .

Yes, this is rife for a horrible joke of some sort. . .

Vika said...

How about the caber? Can you carry that post? Or the Do you ever cary Post-It notes?

I know this can get more clever-I've been dealing with gummint people all day and it makes my brain tired.

Grendel said...

Lol. I wasn't thinking of the type of posts, rather the adjectives I used to describe them.

Yes, I can carry a caber, though I don't think I can toss it (at least, not and get a score). And post-it notes are an integral part of everyone's job. I haven't tried carrying the postman. I suspect he'd be upset by it, and it's probably a federal crime.