Wednesday, October 3, 2007

funny things...that are very wrong...

so i saw something today that struck me as amazingly funny... which probably shouldn't have been funny at all in any way... and is probably very anti-something-or-other... but today i saw an orthodox jewish boy (my school is very close to a large jewish neighborhood, so this is not funny in and of itself) you know, with the dress shrt, slacks, and yamalka... on roller skates... i have no idea why this was funny to me, it just struck me as amusing. it is not even unusual, since the boy was probably 10 or 12... it was just funny today to see it...


Grendel said...

In the spirit of things that are wrong. . .

That would've been even funnier if you'd grabbed his arm, spun him around and started singing the dredel(sp?) song.

College Glassblower said...