Sunday, December 16, 2007


so i am finally finished finals... it was hellish but i made it... now on to the relaxing christmas holiday... things to do:
put up the christmas tree
put out nutcrackers
more sleep
wrap christmas presents
but christmas presents that i forgot
bake christmas presents
more sleep
find a shirt suitable for holiday parties
more sleep
more work
more sleep

Wednesday, December 12, 2007


it is finals week here at SJU, and while f*** i never actually learned s*** doesn't really apply to me since i actually did learn, finals are still the DEVIL!!!

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

christmas shopping...

so, any of the family who read my blog, what on earth do you want for christmas? on he other side, i really want a really nice digital camera, but since i do not expect anyone to get one for me since mom and dad already bought my big gift... but whatever...

Wednesday, November 14, 2007


leggings do not eauql pants... however strongly you are tempted to wear them thusly, they are still not pants... yes, they do make your butt look big if you weigh more than 1 pound, which means practically everyone... no, they aren't pants... under a sweater dress, they are fine... but not as pants... that is all...

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

SEARCH retreat...

so i went on my school's SEARCH retreat this past weekend... and it was quite awesome... can't even describe how much fun i had and i would suggest it to anyone who goes to SJU to go on it before you graduate because it is totally worth it...

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

funny things...that are very wrong...

so i saw something today that struck me as amazingly funny... which probably shouldn't have been funny at all in any way... and is probably very anti-something-or-other... but today i saw an orthodox jewish boy (my school is very close to a large jewish neighborhood, so this is not funny in and of itself) you know, with the dress shrt, slacks, and yamalka... on roller skates... i have no idea why this was funny to me, it just struck me as amusing. it is not even unusual, since the boy was probably 10 or 12... it was just funny today to see it...

Sunday, September 30, 2007

iTunes vs. limewire

ok ok, i know i haven't been posting at all recently, but my schedule has been insane! and it is hard to think of things to write on a regular basis... but his one i really do want opinions on...
a lot of my friends and i have talked about this... is it better to use iTunes or limewire to download music? i don't mind using itunes even though i have to pay because i feel really weird using limewire, more because i know a bunch of people who had computer problems with limewire than because i don't like to skirt paying for my songs... but which one is better? getting the songs for free with possible viruses or paying for them and having a safe computer? also, is it better to pay for music than to not pay for it? any thoughts?

Tuesday, September 4, 2007


so, when you go out in a kayak on a lake in august or early september at midday for two hours and you do not wear sunscreen... YOU WILL GET REALLY BAD SUNBURN... i learned this the hard way... owowowOWow... that is all...

Wednesday, August 29, 2007


so coming back to school has been... interesting... i am thoroughly enjoying NOT being a freshman anymore and i have a very nice apartment that i love... and i love my roommate... and my classes are pretty awesome... and i am pretty content and i think i have been settling in pretty well... so life is good...

Monday, August 27, 2007

vika, stop posting

vika, stop asking for pics, i do not want to post any, and no, i am not dead.

Friday, July 6, 2007


just checking in! ऎंड तेल्लिंग मय फोर्मेर रूम्माते तो गो फुक हेर्सेल्फ़! and apparently using punctuation! well, i am not dead, i just have not been able to post because between work, helping with my sister's wedding and shower, and the amazing slowness of my parents' dial-up, i simply have not had time... but fun things soon! only a week and a day til vika's wedding! yay! well more after the wedding, hopefully with some pix...

Thursday, May 17, 2007

wisdom teeth...

well, the last post was apparently not my last for a while, though this may be as i start work next week... i got my wisdom teeth out on monday and while i hurt A LOT they are healing quite nicely... BUT THEY HURT! i guess it is all for though best though, right? right?

Friday, May 4, 2007

last post for a while...

this may be my last post for a while as school is almost over and my fast internet connection will be history tomorrow and i am not patient enough to brave my parents' dial-up very often... on the upside though i now no longer have to deal with my belligerent and often drunken roommate and never will have to do so ever again! yay! freedom!


so, it is amazing how depressing it is that school is ending, i mean actual school, not just people going home for the summer! i will miss everyone!

Thursday, May 3, 2007

four down, one to go...

four finals down! woo-hoo! almost finished! yay!!!!!!

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

3 down, 2 to go...

having finished three finals, i am finally beginning to destress and am starting studying for number 4 which is onthursday and number 5 which is on saturday...

Monday, April 30, 2007


so i am starting my first final in half an hour... everyone wish me luck!

Sunday, April 29, 2007


फुक ई नेवर अच्तुअल्ल्य लीर्नेद शीत ... that is what finals stands for... and they suck...

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Writing in Hindi

हेल्लो हेल्लो ऎंड वेल्कोमे तो थे फर्स्ट इन्स्ताल्ल्मेंत ऑफ़ "व्रितिंग इन हिंदी" ऎंड थांक यू फ़ॉर तुनिंग इन, थौघ नोने ऑफ़ यू विल प्रोबब्ल्य उन्देर्स्तंद वहत ई ऍम व्रितिंग! हाहाहाहाहा! हेहेहेहे! लोल...

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

so i have discovered, though not recently, that college class registration is absolutely ridiculous and the only thing that comes close is trying to register for housing... and i thought it was just annoying, until today... when i was trying to register for my Research Methods course in my psyche core, the system kept telling me that there was a prerequisite error, even though you are allowed to the the intro to psyche class, the supposed prerequisite, alongside said course. in order to get the error overridden, i had to go to the psyche department and go through a million steps in order to be able to register. it took me half an hour. THAT IS RETARDED! i was told that i should take the class, which should have signaled to SOMEONE that the prereq hold should have been taken off, but no, i ended up with a crappy-er class time than i would have had if i could have gotten through before... so stupid...

Monday, April 23, 2007


oh yes... and THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU to She-Who-Must-Be-Obeyed for granting my wish for both mail and more socks... a package from her arrived today containing two pairs of her socks that did not fit after she finished she gave them to me, which is in fact how i got the first pair as well... she has also promised to fix my first and favorite pair YAYAYAY!


if you weigh more than five pounds and are wearing a skirt that creates even the smallest "muffin-top", do not, i repeat, DO NOT wear a belt outside of your shirt along the waist band of your skirt... it will make you look ginormous...

Thursday, April 19, 2007

spring concert

so earlier tonight was our SJU spring concert... which was dashboard confessional acoustic solo and nightmare of you! it was AWESOME! i am now officially a dashboard fan...

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

We remember...

My heart goes out to the families and friends of those killed at Virginia Tech and everyone at the school that now is in mourning. While most news is covering who the shooter was, i am glad to see that some newspapers, such as the New York Times, have the wherewithal to report on the victims. may they find some kind of peace.
oh great, another exterminator has come because we had roaches in our common area... the smell should be just WONDERFUL!


it is a glorious thing being a college student... one day having to wake up at 8:30 for class, the next not having to wake until 2:30 PM... this is the life, except for all those pesky classes...

Monday, April 16, 2007

fluffer nutter

even after appalaichia, where we had either PB&J or fluffer nutters everyday for lunch, somehow i am still craving a fluffer nutter... which is just weird...

bad dressing....

so i love to go to the site Go Fug Yourself and laugh at the stupid things that stars and socialites wear, but every once in a while they wear something like the woman who plays Dr. Cuddy on House, one of my favorite shows.

she always looks so good on the show, ao why does she look like she is wearing half of a prom dress?

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

A note to my sister...

on the note of kinting... i am imploring my older sister, a.k.a. She-Who-Must-Be-Obeyed (my brother in law came up with it, do not ask), to make me some new socks if it is at all possible... the previous ones you gave me have a hole completely through one of the heels and the other one has a soon-to-be-hole because i wear them so often (cold tiled dorm floors), so PLEASE?

Thursday, April 5, 2007

well, happy Easter to anyone who celebrates said holiday... i can not wait to go home and actually sleep, my professors have all been killing us in order to get things done before this four day weekend...who knows why... but i have not gotten a decent night's sleep in two weeks, so a good night's sleep in my own bed will be magnificent...

Wednesday, April 4, 2007

More breaking news:

·-- ··--·· ---·· ···-- -· ·· ·--- ·-·-·- -·- -··· -··- ----· -· --- --- ·- --··· ·-·-·- ·-·· ·--· ·-- -- ··-· ····· --··-- -· ··- ·-·· --··-- ·-- ·- · ---·· ·-·-·- ··- ---·· --··-- ·-· -- ··- -·· ···- -·
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why is it, once the title "doctor" is put in front of peoples' names, that their signature becomes illegible? i had to get my choice of major (psychology, btw) form signed by three different people today, two of them were doctors of one kind or another. and both of their signatures were completely unreadable. the secretary in the dean's office had to ask me who my advisor was because she could not read what was written.

on a related note, i hate chairs of departments who say they have office hours earlier than they feel like showing up. it is very annoying when you are trying to get things done before a break.

Lorem Ipsum

This just in:

Lorem ipsum sea at duis error omnes, eligendi mediocrem expetendis duo ea. His ullum iudico gubergren te, semper constituto ei pro, aliquid nominati intellegat eum at. Tale scaevola nec ad, nostrum volutpat comprehensam ei quo. Agam utamur vel an, nihil indoctum deterruisset eu duo, vel at facilis appetere iracundia. At duo erant nominati, ne per ipsum lorem persius. Eu has erant solet, vis quot magna discere ut.
An epicurei consequuntur nam, cu sint partem splendide vis. Inani option pri at, ei pro ignota primis abhorreant. Id errem fabellas nec, ei eum dicta nostrum nominavi. Ea quando volutpat imperdiet eam. Ad his tation veniam, placerat volutpat cotidieque ne usu.
Rebum mucius everti est at, nam nobis affert dolore eu. Dicit hendrerit conclusionemque eam ad. Pro tale facilis id, usu partem oporteat cu, no per doming tritani menandri. Ad veri honestatis has, volutpat consetetur ius in. Usu ei regione graecis, has nostro eirmod nominavi id.
An tota maluisset consetetur qui, nisl debet eum in. Ea vix integre numquam. Partem melius eum ne. Eum volumus takimata te, ea elit alterum vivendum ius. At eos facilis ceteros maiorum, sed ei tale cibo saperet.

That is all.

Monday, April 2, 2007

the picture i just added is, sadly, not one of my pieces as i am not nearly that good yet. it is titled "The Elusive Buck" and was made by Steuben Glass. if you look at the etching through one side of the prism, you can see the buck. look through the other side, and the buck dissappears. i saw this when the original was being made and it was extremely cool and very intricate... it is apparently a product of copper wheel engraving...
i have always wondered why small cuts hurt so much more than larger ones and why they bleed more and why they take longer to heal...and i think i have the answer.... just to be really bloody irritating!

while doing a little last minute studying this morning for my political science midterm, i managed to give myself possibly the most painful papercut ever... just as i was trying to pack up and leave for that class! i ended up not being late, but it hurt worse than when i burned my arm with 900* steel! it is just so strange...

Monday, March 19, 2007

So i went to see "300" last night...and it was kind of AWESOME! it tells the story of the battle of thermopolye (sp?) , though not true to life very much. but hey, 300 really hot half naked guys is all good with me...

Thursday, March 15, 2007

kinting= hinting about knitting. that is all.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

i was down in the gym, just running on the treadmill, when my ipod dropped and i kicked it... seems harmless enough right? well, in order to get it back, i had to talk to the security guard, to a maintenance person, who tried to get it out, but couldn't, then i had to call facilities, who sent a guy out really quick, but then he couldn't find it, so he then had to proceed to TAKE THE MACHINE APART! it turned out that the stupid thing was stuck on a ledge that could only be accessed by taking the front faceplate off... oh what a day...

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

um, so i have become obsessed with the song "it's a great day to be alive" by travis tritt... it was like the theme song of our work group on appalachia and it is an awesome song... i mean i think i am becoming a country fan, which is sad, but true... by the way, it's a great day to be alive...

Monday, March 12, 2007

so i went with my college on this service trip called the Appalachian Experience which takes place over spring break...and i had the best week of my life. i went to phelps kentucky, a place that i would gladly go back to in a heartbeat... the people there are so amazingly kind and selfless that anyone would want to stay there forever. and my group was awesome, especially my leaders, who were the grestest!

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

First Post...

So i thought i would start a blog... but have no idea what to write about... well, guess i should start off by saying that i am in college on the east coast and i love to blow glass... ironically and unfortunately for me, i ended up going to a school that does not offer it. figures doesn't it? i wanted to start a blog because frankly other people in my family do and i thought it would be interesting. Well that is all about me.

Being that i am in college, i am on facebook, which for many people has replaced social interaction and has become the easiest way to stalk people who are in fact on facebook. and, being in college, i want my three sisters to have nothing to do with anything that is in my mind related to college and not to family. and yet, when my sister messaged me on facebook and told me that she had just joined, she thought i would be happy about this and not feel like i am being stalked by yet another person on facebook... talk about not getting the message... especially since it is even weirder since it is my sister...